Intel Pentium II 266 Retail Box
Intel Pentium Ii 266 Retail Box. The power of Pentium Pro Processor Plus MMX Technology Capabilities.
P66 FDIV Replacement Boxed
The first Pentium processors were released to an expectant world in March 1993. The Intel hype engine very much went into overdrive […]
AMD K6 Retail Box New
This is an example of a retail-boxed version of a fairly common AMD K6 CPU, running at 300Mhz. The K6 was an […]
Intel Snap In 386sx Retail Box Upgrade Internal
Intel’s SnapIn 386 upgrade allows users to upgrade an IBM PS/2 Model 30 from a 286 to a 386SX-based architecture. Once installed, […]
CPU of the Week – New Pentium Overdrive 133Mhz Retail Boxed
Pentium Socket 4 Overdrive 120/133Mhz Welcome to this, the second in a series of posts about vintage CPUs that I’ve encountered and […]
CPU of the Week – New Pentium 90 Retail Boxed
Welcome to this, the first in a series of posts about vintage CPUs that I’ve encountered and collected over the years into […]